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  • What is ! about?

    ! is an Online Right Brain School for children age 0-8 years old; with the purpose of activating the right brain of the child and maximizing their brain capacity.

  • What is the purpose of developing the right brain?

    BOTH RIGHT AND LEFT BRAINS ARE EQUALLY IMPORTANT. But in today’s education, schools focus more on developing children’s left brain. At !, we want to help children grow up to have the best use of both brains and developing the maximum potential. Also, the best time to develop right brain is 0-8 years old. We are focusing on working on the development of the right brain at the best period.

  • What does my child learn in class?

    We focus on high speed processing of data. Children learn a lot of information in class – Numbers, Arithmetics, Words, Poems, Different languages, Songs, Movement, Logic, Rhythm, General Knowledge, History, Art appreciation, Music, Memory, Imaging, Sharpening Intuition, etc.

  • How long is each session?

    The session will be different for every program.

  • What are the benefits of the classes?

    With !, children generally have better memory power; better attention span and they are able to form images very well. Many parents also reported that their children have better ability to learn.

    We encourage that parents sign the children for half a year or more at least to see the results. Children must also attend the class consistently.

  • Will my child enjoy the class?

    We believe your child will enjoy the class as lessons are exciting and fun and there are many hands-on activities.

  • How long must the child join the school?

    We encourage that parents sign the children for half a year or more at least to see the results. Children must also attend the class consistently.

  • Why must the parent be in the class?

    Yes. When the child is 0-6 years old, we require that one of the parents join the class. When parent learns together with the child, they are a good model for the child. Parents will model the right attitude to learn. And when parent learns together with the child, there is a strong bonding between parent and child that is created.

  • What is the difference between ! and other Right Brain Education?

    We are the 1st online Right Brain Training, that has more 40,000 videos of learning and we have the same consistent right brain curriculum based on Japan curriculum.

  • What is the difference between ! and other enrichment centres?

    There are many other enrichment centres that focus on many different aspects of a child, for example drawing, robotics, etc. Our focus is to expose a child to as much materials as possible and to help them to activate their right brains.

  • How much is the course fee?

    Please contact us for more details information about course fee.

  • Do you have trial class?

    The effects of ! may not be seen in one lesson. We require parents to commit to more than one lesson, and have consistency in attending the classes.

  • My child is 1 year old? Can he join?

    Yes. We invite him to join class that suitable for his age.

  • My child is 8 years old? Can he join?

    Yes. We invite him to join class that suitable for his age.

  • My child joins in the class later than the rest, can he catch up?

    Every class is different and independent on its own. The child will be able to catch up after 1 or 2 lessons once he gets used to the pace.

  • Is this course suitable for children with special needs or autism?

    We have not experiment the course for children with special needs or autism. However, we believe that this should benefit them as the lessons are fast paced and should be able to gain the attention of the children.

  • Why is the pace so fast?

    The nature of right brain is for speed processing. That is the reason why classes are conducted at a high pace so that the children’s right brains can be activated.

  • Why learn so many things? They are so young, can they understand?

    The nature of right brain is to process many information. We are training the children to process many information and by doing so, activating their right brains.

  • My child is not paying attention in class, can he still learn?

    We understand that children have shorter attention span, hence there is a need for right brain training. With consistencies in attending class, his condition will improve.

  • We are working parents, is it necessary to do consistence?

    Parents play the most important roles in the children development. We hope all parents can make time for their children in their busy-ness.

Expand Your Child’s Learning Abilities
with !