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Right Brainer, Right Future?

Near the end of 20th century, a revolutionary discovery was presented to the medical, psychology and early childhood education world. This discovery is about the different functions of right hemisphere and left hemisphere of human brain.

When Dr. Roger W. Sperry, from California Institute of Technology introduced his research about “Right Brain” in 1981, we become more familiar with this term “Right Brain”. Prior to the acknowledgement of his research, many believe that there are no different functions between right brain and left brain. And his research brings us to a new height and deeper understanding about how our brain functions. Left Brain controls our logical and rational thinking with detailed analysis of information one by one.

On the other hand, Right Brain is more intuitive and emotional, and have power to analyse information at a very high speed.After understanding the different abilities of Right Brain and Left Brain, it is hence important to find ways to integrate and synchronise both hemispheres to optimize their respective abilities. A spark of genius and creativity usually comes from the Right Brain. We can say that Right Brain is the door that opens up the future. Hence, the most important thing for the future education is how to maximize our Right Brain.



Right Brain Education is an education designed to develop our children’s right hemisphere of the brain between 0 to 8 years old of age to unleash a genius within them beyond their academic achievements. The power of Right Brain like excellent photographic memories, extraordinary visualization skills, enhanced creativity, high speed processing abilities, sharp perception and many others will be unlocked when our children’s brain are stimulated. According to Professor Makoto Shichida (founder of the “Shichida Method”), every child under three years old is believed to be a genius. Since there is no mental barrier during the period, the child is able to absorb information at an amazing rate.

The 5 senses that a child has, become receptors to sponge up all those information with no limitation. The Right Brain processes information at a high speed, while the Left Brain processes information one by one. Hence, the keys to a Right Brain Education is to input mass amount of information at a very fast speed in order to activate the Right Brain.



Our children’s brain with their unlimited potential is waiting to be stimulated to its intended genius mode. We cannot develop our children’s brain fully with our current traditional way of teaching; which focuses mainly on the Left Brain development. We need to find method that enables us to develop the previously untapped Right Brain. Now is the time to unlock the potential power of the Right Brain that will usher our children to a brighter future!

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