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7 Principles in Genius Learning

Buckminster Fuller mentioned that All children are born genius and we spend the first six years of their lives de-geniusing them. Below are the 7 Principles in GENIUS LEARNING that we can use to provide a right learning environment to unleash the genius in our child.

  1. Brain will have a maximum development in an environment that is RICH in multi-sensory STIMULATIONS and logical thinking challenges. In this kind of environment, more connections (synapses) will take place.
  2. The “size” of EXPECTATIONS is directly proportional to the “size” of EXPECTED RESULTS. In every learning process, the Brain always tries to find and create meaning out of it; in a conscious level or sub-conscious level. Hence, the RIGHT motivation will determine the RIGHT positive motivation that is personal to the child.
  3. A “safe” LEARNING ENVIRONMENT is an environment that gives high level of challenges with low level of threat. In this kind of environment, a child can have a maximum access of his Neo-Cortex so that he can reach his maximum thinking process. Hence, giving PRAISE when a child succeeds and ENCOURAGEMENT when a child is yet to achieve is a very important aspect of a child’s learning journey.
  4. In Brain development, it will need an IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK and VARIETY of OPTIONS for it to progress quickly.
  5. MUSIC is very helpful in learning process
  • Firstly, music helps to “charge” the brain
  • Secondly, music helps to relax the brain
  • Lastly, music can be used to bring the learnt information into memory
  1. PHYSICAL and EMOTION conditions of a child are tightly linked and cannot be separated. To achieve a maximum learning, we must pay great attention to these two conditions.
  2. Despite the different functions of Right Brain and Left Brain, BOTH HEMISPHERES are needed to work together in processing an information.


Set a RIGHT environment for your child to learn!

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