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Early Childhood Right Brain Training
and Whole Brain Development Center

A spark of genius and creativity usually comes from the Right Brain. We can say that Right Brain is the door that opens up the future. Hence, the most important thing for the future education is how to maximize our Right Brain. We are proud to introduce our ! Online School, using holistic Right Brain Curriculum with proven results.

We are known as an early childhood brain development education center that focuses on unlocking your children’s ! Right Brain Powers like excellent photographic memories, extraordinary visualization skills, enhanced creativity, high speed processing abilities, sharp perception and many others.

The child will benefit as they will be able to use these abilities freely when he or she grows up.  At !, we aim not only to unleash the genius in your child through right brain development, but also to raise a child with high quality characters by fostering the heart of the child.


! Education Concept

Children at young age, especially under the age of 8 years old, have the innate potential to learn anything and everything, if they are given the opportunity to develop during this incredible period of learning.

We believe that the right hemisphere of the brain develops very quickly and children are able to access and use this hemisphere easily without mental barriers.

The right hemisphere is the “image-brain” while the left hemisphere is commonly known as “logic and language brain”. Both hemispheres develop rapidly under 8 years old.  Hence, it is important to give both right brain and left brain stimulation to the child and hence activating the whole brain.

Start early, enjoy a lifetime of benefits!

Expand Your Child’s Learning Abilities
with !